Saturday, October 28, 2017

What Causes Acne Breakouts

Causes of Acne

Acne can occur when the hair follicle is blocked by mixing dead skin cells, dirt, and sebum (substances produced by oil glands that help prevent dryness of the skin).

Then, a bacterial infection causes inflammation in the blockage area.

In blackheads case, follicle blockage opens the skin pores. Otherwise, in whiteheads case, the follicle blockage is located not far below the surface of the skin and it creates a bulge.

Blackheads and whiteheads should not be underestimated because these conditions can develop into severe acne, such as developing into pustules, papules, nodules, or even cysts, when the follicle blockage is also infected by skin bacteria.

what causes acne breakouts

Cause factors of acne

There are several factors that can increase acne risk, including:

#1. Hormonal changes

It is estimated that acne in adults is caused by changes in hormone levels.

Eight of ten cases of acne in adults, occurs in women, because hormonal changes in women are more often occurs at certain times, ie when the menstruation and pregnancy.

Acne often appears in some women before the menstrual period. While in pregnant, the acne usually appears in the first three months of pregnancy.

For women who have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, besides the appearance of acne, it is also occurs weight gain and the appearance of a small cyst in the ovary.

#2. Puberty

Acne problem is usually occurs on teens. At their puberty, production of sebum by the sebaceous glands will increase with the testosterone hormone production.

And sometimes, this sebum production is over the quantity which the skin needed.

#3. Side effects of cosmetic use

#4. Irritation can also be caused by the objects that we use

Acne can occur due to friction or pressure from the material we use on the skin continuously.

For example, spots on the forehead that becaused too often wear headbands and spots on the back due to wearing a backpack routinely.

#5. Addicted to smoking

#6. Stress

#7. Drug side effects

This is usually occurs in the use of lithium, steroid, and antiepileptic drugs. Supplements of Vitamins B2, B6, and B12 can also cause acne.

#8. Heredity

If we have parents who had acne problems, we are more at risk to have the same problems.

Instead, the severity of acne can be even higher especially before we entering the adulthood.

Besides, if our parents still have problems with acne, we are also at risk to have the same problem, even though we has entered adulthood.

Misunderstanding about acne

Many people misunderstand about acne. Although this is one of the skin problems that occurs to most people.

what causes acne breakouts

Misunderstanding about acne often raises a number of unreasonable assumptions, for example:

  1. You will be infected by someone acne.
  2. Pushing blackheads is the best way to get rid of acne. In fact, squeezing acne will only make the symptoms worse, can even leave a scar.
  3. Acne as an effect of sexual activity.
  4. Acne is caused by poor diet.
  5. Poor hygiene or dirty skin can cause acne.
  6. Sunbathing both naturally and artificially, can treat acne symptoms.

All the above assumption is not true.

Skin hygiene is not related to the appearance of acne, because acne is caused by biological reactions that occur beneath the skin surface.

Precisely our skin condition will worsen if we wash our face more than twice a day when being acne.

There is no definite evidence that sunbathing naturally or sunbathing with artificial techniques can treat acne.

Many acne medications that actually make our skin becomes more sensitive to light.

As a result, exposure to light can cause damaged skin, can even trigger the risk of skin cancer.

According to various information, toothpaste can dry out acne. Although toothpaste does contain antibacterial substances, but toothpaste also contains substances that can make skin irritated and damaged.

Therefore, the use of toothpaste to treat acne is not recommended.

Pharmacists or doctors can advise on a much safer and effective treatment.