Thursday, October 26, 2017

How Acne Forms, The Severe Pimples on Face and Other Part of Body

There are some common pimple symptoms that occurs generally, severe pimples on face and the other part of body, how acne forms and its differences.

The body part that is usually overgrown with acne is on the face. It occurs to most people with acne.

Besides on the face, acne can also grow on the back and this is occurs to more than half of people with acne.

Then, acne can also grow on the chest. It is known that about 15 percent of people with acne acne occurs on their chest.

Besides the appearance of spots, skin also becomes oily when we have acne. And it can even feel pain or burned when it touched.

How acne forms? There are six types of acne spots, including papules, pustules, blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and cysts.

how acne forms

Blackheads and Whiteheads

Blackheads are divided into two types, blackheads and whiteheads. The difference of them is in the clogging and hardening of sebum or oil.

Blackheads are black spots that usually appear in the area around the nose. The black color is not derived from dust or dirt, but the pigmentation that occurs in the layer of the hair follicle.

While whiteheads has a harder texture. This is caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum inside the skin pores.

If at first glance, this blackheads spots seen similar to whiteheads.

Papules and Pustules

Papules are small painful lump. The size is small with red color and soft texture. 

While pustules are small lump on the top part there is an accumulation of pus.

Nodules and cysts

Nodules and cysts are categorized as severe acne.

Nodules are characterized by the appearance of hard, large, and painful lumps from underneath the skin surface in considerable amounts.

Cysts are formed when bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells clog the inside of the pores. Cysts look like big boils and feel painful. The lump that contains the pus will usually leave a permanent scar after healed.

Just as nodules, cysts are also large lump, but contain pus. Overview of the cyst looks like a boil.

Generally, nodules and cysts can leave permanent scars on the face after recovery.