Monday, October 30, 2017

Acne Scar Removal Treatment

Scars is a common complication of acne. But don't be worry, because we can take an acne scar removal treatment.

acne scar removal treatment

Types of scars

There are three types of scars that caused by acne.

  1. The scar tissue that forms under the skin and causes the surface of the skin looks rolled unevenly.
  2. The scar tissue that is oval or like a crater.
  3. The scar tissue that form hole or like a needle prick.

Each type of acne can cause scars, but the most commonly left traces are nodules and cysts.

Scar tissue arises from acne breaks due to deliberate removal or suppression.

acne scar removal treatment

Acne scar removal treatment to solve psychological pressure problem

Acne scar removal treatment is considered important, after known that acne scars cause serious psychological distress.

Treatment of scar tissue is included in the field of cosmetic surgery.

But before decided to take this surgery, you should be aware that this procedure can not remove 100 percent scars, but only intended to disguise.

Usually this surgery only improves about 50-70 percent of facial appearance.

acne scar removal treatment

Consult to a specialist for advice you about the appropriate procedures for you.

There are several different types of cosmetic surgery that are popular.

#1. Acne scar removal treatment with surgical dermabrasion

Surgical dermabrasion perfomed by lifting the top layer of skin with a laser or a special wire brush.

The patient's skin commonly will look red and sore for several months after they take this procedure before the results are seen.

#2. Acne scar removal treatment with subcision

Subcision are typically used to treat scarring.

In the process, the doctor will remove the outer layer of skin along with scar tissue beneath it.

This separation will cause the blood clotted in the area and form connective tissue.

This connective tissue will flatten scar tissue with other skin surfaces.

For a more perfect result, doctors usually perform laser treatment or surgical dermabrasion after completion of subcision procedures.

#3. Acne scar removal treatment with laser treatment

This procedure can be used to treat mild to moderate acne scars.

Laser treatment is divided into two, namely ablative and nonlative laser treatment.

In ablative procedure, a laser is used to remove a small section of skin around the scar tissue to produce new skin looks soft.

While in nonlative procedures, lasers are used to stimulate the growth of new collagen or a kind of skin protein that is useful to improve the appearance of damage caused by scars.

Acne scar removal treatment with Punch Technique

Furthermore, there are non-pharmaceutical acne recovery technique called punch technique.

acne scar removal treatment

Usually this technique is used to treat scar tissue type ice pick and boxcar.

There are three kinds of punch techniques, namely punch excision, punch elevation, and punch grafting.

#1. Acne scar removal treatment with punch elevation

Punch elevation is typically used to treat acne scars boxcar-shaped so that it becomes almost invisible.

The trick is to get rid of wound base through surgery.

The wound is then pulled or raised to parallel the skin surface.

#2. Acne scar removal treatment with punch excision

Punch excision is applied to treat scar tissue of ice pick which is still categorized as light.
The trick is to get rid of the scar and close it.

When healed, the skin looks smoother on the dissected area.

#3. Acne scar removal treatment with punch grafting

The latter is a punch grafting used to treat ice pick scars that are very deep.

Same way as punch excision, but in this technique, the scar patched with skin graft or a graft from another part of the body, such as skin behind the ear.