What is Acne?
Acne is one of the skin problems marked by the appearance of spots on several parts of the body, such as acne problem on face, neck, back, and chest.
The severity of acne can be mild spots, such as blackheads and whiteheads, and severe spots which containing pus and cysts. Generally, the spots which classified as severe it will leave a scar on the skin.
Besides marked by the appearance of spots, and oily skin, sometimes acne can also causes our skin feels burned and painful when it touched.
There are some parts of our body that are usually overgrown with acne, and the most common are on our face.
Most of the acne problem affect everyone under 28 years old. Teenagers are more at risk to have an acne problem at 14-19 years old.
Although acne can disappear along with our growth, but in some cases, acne problem still occur until the mid of 20s.
Women in their 20s are five times more at risk to have acne problem than men in their 20s.
Factors causing acne
Acne can appear at any age, but changes in hormone levels during puberty are often associated with the causes.
These hormonal changes affect the oil-producing glands or sebum that is located close to the hair follicles in the skin.
Increased activity of this gland causes the production of sebum in the face also increases.
This pile of sebum will blend with dust and dead skin cells, then clog the pores.
When the pores are clogged and due to the high amount of sebum on the skin surface, the bacteria called Propionobacterium acnes will grow and develop rapidly. This bacterium is a general cause of acne.
Propionibacterium acnes releases a kind of irritant substance that will irritate the skin.
This effects of irritation will causes redness and swelling on the skin, and also cause a pus under the skin.
The inner layer of the hair follicle also thickens due to changes in hormone levels and causes clogged skin pores. These clogged pores will not disappear, even if the skin has been cleaned.
In addition during puberty, acne can also be experienced by women due to hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
Acne is also known as hereditary factors. Most likely someone will get acne if both parents also acne.
Until now, there is no evidence that acne is caused by sexual activity, food, or poor hygiene.
Diagnosis of acne
Doctors are usually able to diagnose acne just by looking at the skin of patients directly.
Through the examination, the doctor can determine the type of acne that grows and measure the level of severity (level of inflammation and the number of acne).
Once the diagnosis is done, then the treatment plan can be made.
The right action if you have acne
It is important to maintain skin hygiene in acne areas, although it will not prevent the appearance of new acne.
Wash the area twice a day using a cleanser or face soap. To avoid irritation, do not rub the skin too hard.
Now most of the moisturizer products have gone through the testing phase. Use moisturizer if your skin is dry and avoid using beauty products that will clog the pores of your skin.
Although acne can not be cured, but can still be controlled through treatment. Gel-shaped drugs, moisturizers, and creams are now widely available in pharmacies.
If you have acne, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if the use of drugs are sold freely on the market does not work or even actually cause side effects such as:
- Swelling of the face, eyes, lips, or tongue.
- Sore throat and shortness of breath.
- Fainting.
But be careful in using it because in the industrial field, the concentrate is also used as a bleach clothing.
You may require antibiotics or creams that are stronger if your acne is quite severe and occurs in several parts of the body, such as the chest and back.
Remember that the use of such drugs must go through a doctor's prescription.
Complications of acne
Ask your doctor if acne growth worsens. If severe acne is not treated immediately, it is feared could lead to complications in the form of scars.
In addition, it is advisable to see your doctor if the drug used can not control the acne problem on face and other parts of your body so it makes you insecure and depressed.
Acne treatment requires patience. Not advisable to squeeze pimples because it will leave a permanent scar.
Generally, treatment will show optimal results in three months.