Saturday, October 28, 2017

Acne Diagnosis of Severity Levels of Acne

Generally, there are no need specific tests for acne diagnosis. A doctor, especially dermatologist, able to diagnose acne just by looking at your skin.

To determine the severity of acne, the area of acne skin and the level of inflammation and pain can help to make the diagnosis.

This is important in planning your treatment.

acne diagnosis

Severity levels of acne

There are four levels that can be used to measure the severity of acne:

1. The first level or mild

At the first level, usually acne that grows just a blackheads or whiteheads with a little papules and pustules.

2. The second level or middle

At the second level, there are a number of papules and pustules that generally appear on the face only.

3. The third level or quite severe

At the third level, the papules and pustules that appear have been spelled out a lot, including in the chest and back.

This severity is also characterized by the appearance of several nodules.

4. The fourth level or severe

At the top of the severity level, the fourth or severe level, the pustules and nodules are seen to fill different parts of the body, and are accompanied by pain.

Acne diagnosis

Acne diagnosis by doctor or dermatologist usually by asking you a few questions about your acne, including any medications or supplements which you have been taking.

The doctors or dermatologist are usually able to diagnose acne by simply examining the patient's skin.

This examination includes examining the types of acne that appear on the face or even on the back and chest.

In addition, the doctor will also determine how high the severity of acne based on the visible inflammation and the amount of acne.

After completion of the examination, then the treatment plan can be made.

A more progressive examination of acne cases is rare, except in some cases. For example, in women who experience sudden acne problems in adult life.

In this case, the doctor can perform the blood tests and ultrasound examinations to ascertain whether the patient is exposed to polycystic ovary syndrome that causes hormonal imbalance and impacts on the appearance of acne.